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Fairbairn, C. E., Han, J., Caumiant, E. P., Benjamin, A. S., & Bosch, N. (2025). A wearable alcohol biosensor: Exploring the accuracy of transdermal drinking detection. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 266, 112519. pdf download / dataset
Garrison, A. C. S., Yoon, S. O., Brown-Schmidt, S., Ariss, T., & Fairbairn, C. E. (2023). Alcohol and common ground: The effects of intoxication on linguistic markers of shared understanding during social exchange. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. pdf download / dataset
Caumiant, E. P., Fairbairn, C. E., Bresin, K., Rosen, I. G., Luczak, S. E., & Kang, D. (2023). Social anxiety and alcohol consumption: The role of social context. Addictive Behaviors. pdf download / dataset
Ariss, T., Fairbairn, C. E., & Bosch, N. (2023). Examining new-generation transdermal alcohol biosensor performance across laboratory and field contexts. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Contact Dr. Catharine Fairbairn for dataset
Dora, J., Piccirillo, M., Foster, K.T., Arbeau, K., Armeli, S., Auriacombe, M., Bartholow, B., Beltz, A.M., Blumenstock, S.M., Bold, K., Bonar, E.E., Braitman, A., Carpenter, R.W., Creswell, K.G., DeHart, T., Dvorak, R.D., Emery, N., Enkema, M., Fairbairn, C. E., Fairlie, A.M., Ferguson, S.G., Freire, T., Goodman, F., Gottfredson, N., Halvorson, M., Haroon, M., Howard, A.L., Hussong, A., Jackson, K.M., Jenzer, T., Kelly, D.P., Kuczynski, A.M., Kuerbis, A., Lee, C.M., Lewis, M., Linden-Carmichael, A.N., Littlefield, A., Lydon-Staley, D.M., Merrill, J.E., Miranda Jr., R., Mohr, C., Read, J.P., Richardson, C., O’Connor, R., O’Malley, S.S., Papp, L., Piasecki, T.M., Sacco, P., Scaglione, N., Serre, F., Shadur, J., Sher, K.J., Shoda, Y., Simpson, T.L., Smith, M.R., Stevens, A., Stevenson, B., Tennen, H., Todd, M., Treloar Padovano, H., Trull, T., Waddell, J., Walukevich-Dienst, K., Witkiewitz, K., Wray, T., Wright, A.G.C., Wycoff, A.M., & King, K.M. (2023). The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data. Psychological Bulletin. pdf download / code
Ariss, T., Fairbairn, C. E., Sayette, M. A., Velia, B. A., Berenbaum, H., & Brown-Schmidt, S. (2023). Where to look? Alcohol, affect, and gaze behavior during a virtual social interaction. Clinical Psychological Science. pdf download / dataset
Yu, J., Fairbairn, C. E., Gurrieri, G., & Caumiant, E. P. (2022). Validating transdermal alcohol biosensors: A Meta-analysis of associations between blood/breath-based measures and transdermal alcohol sensor output. Addiction, 117(11), 2805-2815. pdf download / dataset
Kang, D., Fairbairn, C. E., Federmeier, K., D. (2022) The Effect of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Alcohol Cue Salience: An Event-Related Brain Potential Study. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 36(7), 861-870. pdf download / dataset
Fairbairn, C. E., Creswell, K. G., Hales, A. H., Williams, K. D., & Wilkins, K. V. (2022). Mixing Misery and Gin: The Effect of Alcohol Administration on Ostracism Response. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(8), 1269-1283. dataset
Fairbairn, C. E., & Bosch, N. (2021). A new generation of transdermal alcohol biosensing technology: Practical applications, machine learning analytics, and questions for future research. Addiction, 116(10), 2912-2920. pdf download
Gurrieri, L., Fairbairn, C. E., Sayette, M. A., & Bosch, N. (2021). Alcohol narrows physical distance between strangers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(20), e2101937118. pdf download / dataset
Fairbairn, C. E., Kang, D., & Federmeier, K. D. (2021). Alcohol and neural dynamics: A meta-analysis of acute alcohol effects on event-related brain potentials. Biological Psychiatry, 89(10), 990-1000. pdf download / dataset
Fairbairn, C. E., & Kang, D. (2021). Transdermal alcohol monitors: Research, applications, and future directions. In D. Frings and I. Albery (Eds.). The Handbook of Alcohol Use and Abuse. London: Academic Press. pdf download
Fairbairn, C. E., Kang, D. & Bosch, N. (2020). Using machine learning for real-time BAC estimation from a new-generation transdermal biosensor in the laboratory. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 216, 108205. pdf download / Contact Dr. Catharine Fairbairn for dataset and syntax
Ariss, T., & Fairbairn, C. E. (2020). The effect of significant-other involvement in treatment for substance use disorders: A meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(6), 526–540. pdf download / dataset
Venerable, W. J., & Fairbairn, C. E. (2020). A multimodal, longitudinal investigation of alcohol’s emotional rewards and alcohol consumption over time in young adults. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 34(5), 601-612. pdf download / dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., Velia, B., Creswell, K. G., & Sayette, M. A. (2020). A dynamic analysis of the effect of alcohol consumption on humor enjoyment in a social context. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 86, 103903. pdf download / Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E. & Sayette, M. A. (2020). Using FACS to understand underlying processes during social exchange both inside and outside the laboratory. In P. Ekman and E. Rosenberg (eds.), What the face reveals (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Sayette, M. A. & Fairbairn, C. E. (2020). Use of FACS in a social context can enhance understanding of addiction. In P. Ekman and E. Rosenberg (eds.), What the face reveals (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kang, D., Fairbairn, C. E. & Ariss, T. (2019). A meta-analysis of the effect of interventions for substance use disorders on emotion outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 1106-1123. pdf download / dataset
Bresin, K. & Fairbairn, C. E. (2019). The association between negative and positive affect and alcohol use: An ambulatory study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80, 614–622. Contact Dr. Konrad Bresin for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E. & Kang, D. (2019) Temporal dynamics of transdermal alcohol concentration measured via new generation wrist-worn biosensor. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43, 2060-2069. pdf download / Contact Dr. Catharine Fairbairn for dataset and syntax
Sirlanci, M., Luczak. E., Fairbairn, C. E., Kang, D., Pan, R., Yu, X., and Rosen I. G. (2019) Estimating the distribution of ransom parameters in a diffusion equation forward model for a transdermal alcohol. Automatica, 106, 101-109. Contact Dr. Gary Rosen for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., Rosen, I. G., Luczak, S. E., & Venerable, W. J. (2019). Estimating the quantity and time course of alcohol consumption from transdermal alcohol sensor data: A combined laboratory-ambulatory study. Alcohol: A Biomedical Journal, 81, 111-116. pdf download / Contact Dr. Catharine Fairbairn for dataset and syntax
Sayette, M. A., Creswell, K. G., Fairbairn, C. E., Dimoff, J. D., Bentley, K, & Lazerus, T. (2019). The effects of alcohol on positive emotion during a comedy routine: A facial coding analysis. Emotion, 19, 480-488. Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E. & Velia, B. A. (2019). Understanding social factors in alcohol reward and risk for problem drinking. In K. Federmeier (Ed.). The Psychology of Learning and Motivation. Elsevier. pdf download
Sirlanci, M., Luczak, S. E., Fairbairn, C. E., Bresin, K., Kang, D., & Rosen, I. G. (2018). Deconvolving the input to random abstract parabolic systems; A population model-based approach to estimating Blood/Breath Alcohol Concentration from transdermal alcohol biosensor data. Inverse Problems, 34, 125006. Contact Dr. Gary Rosen for dataset and syntax
Kang, D., Bresin, K., & Fairbairn, C. E. (2018). The Impact of Alcohol and Social Context on the Startle Eyeblink Reflex. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 87, 1106-1123. pdf download / Contact Dr. Konrad Bresin for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., Briley, D. A., Kang, D., Fraley, R. C., Hankin, B. L., & Ariss, T. (2018). A meta-analysis of longitudinal associations between substance use and interpersonal attachment security. Psychological Bulletin, 144, 532-555. pdf download / dataset
Fairbairn, C. E., Bresin, K., Kang, D., Rosen, I. G., Ariss, T., Luczak, S. E., Barnett, N. P., & Eckland, N. S. (2018). A multimodal investigation of contextual effects on alcohol’s emotional rewards. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127, 359-373. pdf download / dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E. (2017). Drinking among strangers: A meta-analysis examining familiarity as a moderator of alcohol’s rewarding effects. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31, 255–264. pdf download / dataset
Fairbairn, C. E. & Bresin, K. (2017). The effects of contextual familiarity on alcohol expectancies. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 25, 13–23. pdf download / Contact Dr. Konrad Bresin for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., & Testa, M. (2017). Relationship quality and alcohol-related social reinforcement during couples interaction. Clinical Psychological Science, 5, 74-84. pdf download / Contact Dr. Maria Testa for dataset and syntax
Cranford, J. A., & Fairbairn, C. E. (2017). Social psychology of alcohol involvement, marital dissolution, and marital interaction processes across multiple time scales. In H. E. Fitzgerald & L. I. Puttler (Eds). Alcohol use disorders: A developmental science approach to etiology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fairbairn, C. E., & Cranford, J. A. (2016). A multimethod examination of negative behaviors during couples interactions and problem drinking trajectories. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 805-810. pdf download / Contact Dr. James Cranford for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E. (2016). A nested frailty survival approach for analyzing small group behavioral observation data. Small Group Research, 47, 303-332. pdf download
Fairbairn, C. E., Sayette, M. A., Wright, A. G. C., Levine, J. M., Cohn, J. F., & Creswell, K. G. (2015). Extraversion and the rewarding effects of alcohol in a social context. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 660-673. pdf download / Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., Sayette, M. A., Aalen, O. O., & Frigessi, A. (2015). Alcohol and emotional contagion: An examination of the spreading of smiles in male and female drinking groups. Clinical Psychological Science, 3, 686-701. pdf download / Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., Sayette, M. A., Amole, M., Dimoff, J. D., Cohn, J. F. & Girard, J. M. (2015). Speech volume indexes sex differences in the social-emotional effects of alcohol. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23, 255-64. pdf download / Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Sayette, M. A., Fairbairn, C. E. & Creswell, K. G. (2015). Alcohol and emotion: The importance of social context. In C. E. Kopetz & C. Lejuez (Eds.), Addiction: A Social Psychological Perspective. New York, NY: Routledge.
Fairbairn, C. E., & Sayette, M. A. (2014). A social-attributional analysis of alcohol response. Psychological Bulletin, 140, 1361-1382. pdf download
Fairbairn, C. E., & Sayette, M. A. (2013). The effect of alcohol on emotional inertia: A test of alcohol myopia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 770-781. pdf download / Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., Sayette, M. A., Levine, J. M., Cohn, J. F., & Creswell, K. G. (2013). The impact of alcohol on the emotional displays of White members of interracial groups. Emotion, 13, 468-477. pdf download / Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Yang, Y., Fairbairn, C. E., & Cohn, J. F. (2013). Detecting depression severity from vocal prosody. IEEE Transactions in Affective Computing, 4, 142-150. pdf download
Sayette, M. A., Creswell, K. G., Dimoff, J. D., Fairbairn, C. E., Cohn, J. F., Heckman, B. W., Kirchner, T. R., et al. (2012). Alcohol and group formation: A multimodal investigation of the effects of alcohol on emotion and social bonding. Psychological Science, 23, 869–878. Contact Dr. Michael Sayette for dataset and syntax
Fairbairn, C. E., Dundon, W. D., Plebani, J. G., Xie, H., Kampman, K. M., & Lynch, K. G. (2008). Study blinding and correlations between perceived group assignment and outcome in a cocaine pharmacotherapy trial. The American Journal on Addictions, 17, 387-391. Contact Dr. William Dundon for dataset and syntax